Keine Ankündigung bisher.
Für Alle, die den Sommer herbeisehnen!
Hier wird die Mirror Method erklärt:
Und hier hat es einer nett zusammengefasst (inkl. SEINER Meinung <-- nicht meiner!)
They say that the dog reflects the behavior and personality of the owner, and in order to change the dog’s behavior, one has to make changes in his own first. Wise words.
The Mirror method consists of three, equally important, parts: relationship – training – natural for the dog interactions.
They use the word hierarchy and leader, but state that leadership is established without force and violence. They also talk about distance between owner and dog and I’m curious what they mean by that. They say that without that relationship first, obedience isn’t possible and I totally agree. The mindful leadership relationship is what I call the foundation necessary for learning and good behavior.
For the mechanical part, the teaching of tricks and positions, they use a clicker and treats. I am not a clicker trainer, but do believe it’s a great tool for purely mechanical learning – when the cerebral cortex in addressed, not the emotional limbic system.
The third part is to tap into the dog’s instincts; in other words create opportunities for the dog to live his nature. Living his nature doesn’t mean free for all, but structured teamwork that allows the dog to do things important to him. In the clip they showed retrieving and protection work – I love tracking, cause most dogs are interested in purposeful nose work.
I agree with one more statement the group makes: that marvelous things are possible with every dog, if the owner follows the holistic three-part philosophy of Leadership Relationship; Training and Practice and Purposeful Teamwork and Interactions.
(Quelle: Grüsse von Saskia, Saybia und Skju
Zitat von Dancing-Paws Beitrag anzeigenHier wird die Mirror Method erklärtAlles für den DACKEL !
Alles für die Doppelente !
Alles für den Club!
*entig abgeändertes Zitat von Hausmeister Krause