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Hallo from Australia!

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    Hello and welcome here!

    I have some good friends in Aussie. One actually just visited me. I hope you spend a great time with us
    Viele Grüße von Kathi mit Knalltüte Dusty, Hundeoma Hexe Cockermaus Amber, den Hundeengeln Ibo und Jack und Benji und dem verrückten Rest


      Zitat von MonSqueek Beitrag anzeigen
      As they say - its a small world after all!!!! :-) Did you enjoy your time here in Australia? I've heard that in Germany things are very different with dog ownership and the dogs in Germany are allowed in many more places then here in Australia.
      I think it could be, if I read your problems and that what my "Uncle" in Melbourne tell me. But it is so a different from one town to the other, from one district to the other. Here the problems are not the same, but a lot of peoples today think at first a dog is dangerous.


        Hi Monique

        Welcome to our forum!!
        Sorry, I better read english than write.

        We have also People here, they live in Australia. One ist "Anissa", she lives in Tasmania.
        Gruß Elke mit den Minitüten Pixel, Ni T. & Kyko
        und dem Timor-Bub und Shari-Schneckchen im Herzen
        Mail ->


          Oh how wonderful, Im not the only Aussie here! :-) You have all made me feel so very welcome. What a friendly forum this is!


            Ive even had people ask me if little Luigi is dangerous!!! Some people are just so scared of dogs. I think that is very sad to be scared of such beautiful animals.


              Hi and verry welkom. My english is bad.
              I love this little things. In my home are living 2 sighthounds, an ex.racetrack Greyhound 12,5 jear and a Irish Wolfhound 5 Jear old. I think about it, to bring a Italian grey at home for compare to the IW.




                Thank you so much! for the warm welcome. Your english is fine! It is much better then my German!!! !

                Oh how I love Irish Wolfhounds !!! I would love to own one. I have loved them since I showed one as a little girl. The only thing that puts me off them is they have such a short lifespan. I wish they had a longer life so I could train one as a service dog in the future.


                  In 1970 my mom has had an Italian Greyhound named "Hoppa".
                  Gruß Elke mit den Minitüten Pixel, Ni T. & Kyko
                  und dem Timor-Bub und Shari-Schneckchen im Herzen
                  Mail ->


                    Luigi is the first Italian Greyhound I ever had. For a while I had a little girl IG called Zoey too, but when she couldn't be an SD I found her a loving home where she is now spoiled rotten and lives a life of doggy luxury.


                      Hello Monique,

                      welcome to down under!

                      LG Gudrun
            , Mila und Stuart…. Oskar, Didge und Suko im Herzen


                        What is for you a short live ? The most IW are calm, so I now som one they wer fast a Service doc with 1,5 Jear, so is ther natural. They have a sozial natural charakter.
                        I now a lot of IW they livd over 8 Jears. The femal of a friend died at 10,5 and a other whit almost 13 Jear. Of cors th risk is tat the dog will not live so long but this risk is allready with all breads. Saliki died il whit 2 and a German shepert had cancer whit 2,5 and a other one GS a heard attak whit 5. The Brother of them will be this Jear 10. It is still a lotteri like a Human will reach over 100 and a other on even not 30.
                        I will allways have a IW even they will not everyone be old.



                          " Saliki "

                          Sorry I mean SALUKI



                            13 years is a very good life time for an IW. It takes about 2 years to train a service dog, so then they can only work for about 5 years before having to retire, compared to other breeds that can work for 10 years it is a very short working time for such a big investment.

                            They are very beautiful dogs and one day I would love to own one. Can you post some photos of them for me to see? I would very much like that.

                            Saluki's are another gorgeous breed. Oh how I love sight hounds!


                              Welcome to Gesunde Hunde!!!

                              And Irish Wolfhounds can live 10 years and longer. The oldest one I knew became almost 14.
                              My two IW girls are 5 and 6 years old. My "little" Boy has 14 months.


                                Here is a link from a geman IW Site.

                                There is a part of Senior and hav 3 Sites full of IW whit age of 8 - 13 Jears whit pictures. The most ages wer 10 Jears. Somme of the seniors are still living, then there is no second date.


