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Canine Fitness Seminar mit Bobbie Lyons (USA) 24.07.-27.07.17 in 88499 Riedlingen

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    Canine Fitness Seminar mit Bobbie Lyons (USA) 24.07.-27.07.17 in 88499 Riedlingen

    Hallo zusammen,

    Bobbie Lyons kommt nach Europa!

    Bobbie Lyons (CCFT, MTI, Cert CF) ist nicht nur zertifizierte Canine Fitness Trainerin der University of Tennessee, sie war maßgeblich an der Entstehung des FitPaws-Master-Trainer-Programms beteiligt und ist hierfür Ausbilderin. Ferner ist sie selbst in verschiedensten Hundesportarten aktiv und trainiert Assistenzhunde.
    Bobbie’s Fitness-Ansatz ist ein ganzheitlicher, der ein individuelles Programm für jeden Hund vorsieht.
    Wir freuen uns riesig, sie erstmalig in Europa begrüßen zu dürfen!
    Das Seminar wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden und Bobbie wird von ihrer Assistentin Danielle Hall (CCFT) unterstützt. Die Anerkennung dieses Seminars als CEU-approved durch den Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) läuft – dh. eine Teilnahme wird zertifiziert.

    Kosten je nach Teilnahmeform

    Monday, 24th July 2017

    Beginning K9 Conditioning (4.5hrs)

    In this workshop, participants will be introduced to equipment, exercises, tricks and stretches that increase range of motion, flexibility, reflexes, and improve muscle tone and endurance. The exercises are designed to reduce the risk of injury and increase balance, core strength, body awareness and overall performance. This workshop is appropriate for dogs participating in any dog sports.
    Cavaletti Training (4.5hrs)
    Cavalettis can be used to strengthen your dog’s core, fine tune their stride length and gait while increasing body awareness.

    Tuesday, 25th July 2017 & Wednesday 26th July 2017

    Advanced Program Design (2 days)
    Information about structure and how it affects function, covers how to evaluate your dog, psoas and shoulder injury prevention, how to design a individual program, equipment combinations, agility specific exercise.
    Prior knowledge (Bobbie Lyons‘ online classes or the Beginning K9 conditioning workshop required)

    Thursday, 27th July 2017
    Puppy and Senior Workshop (4.5 hrs)
    What can you do with a puppy and a senior dog. What to watch out for, time limits, posture, body awareness etc.
    Private Lessons (1 hr each)
    Each person that takes a private lesson will get a basic evaluation of their dog and a beginner workout designed for them. Some people want to know how best to use the equipment they bought and some will have a dog who has recovered from injury and they want to help improve the dog’s strength and weight distribution. After I get home, I email each person a recap of their apt, my observations, exercises with video support where available (from my online classes), how often to do the exercises, how many reps etc.

    Hier ausführliche Infos:

    Anmeldung & Rückfragen an:
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